
Leon’s Race at Indiana Dunes National Park

The conflicts that America has faced, in fighting for our freedom, have often seemed insurmountable. If you look at the terrain and landscapes where our military has fought, it would make your heart sink in fear. But, our military has always stood strong and valiant in the face of such fears. They have shown the world what the meaning of brave truly is.

It is with this in mind, that we have created an obstacle course with a diverse set of “landscapes”,  that represents just a handful of the types of topographies that our military have fought over and through. This is a way of honoring their dedication and sacrifice.

While our obstacle course is much more enjoyable, our goal is for it to capture the spirit of what happened on D-Day. We have teamed up with Whoa Zone, who has graciously partnered with us in making this obstacle course. It will be 100 yards long and run parallel to the shore line at Dunes National Park. Below is a mock-up of what the obstacle course will look like.

We are humbled and honored to have powerful friendships with military and iconic brands. It is because of these friendships that we are able to make our races so memorable and meaningful.

To learn more about Whoa Zone, visit their website at: https://whoa.zone/